100 Things that make me happy:
(Besides raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens)
1. A clean house
2. A new haircut
3. Accessories
4. Alliteration
5. Amazon.com
6. Autumn leaves
7. Babies and children that aren’t mine
8. Baking
9. Barbecues
10. Birthdays
11. Bookstores
12. Brunch
13. Candles
14. Cardigans
15. Celebrating New Year in late August
16. Christmas shopping
17. Comfortable and cute shoes
18. Crossword puzzles
19. Cute planners
20. Diet Dr. Pepper
21. Dogs (especially mine)
22. Doing something well
23. Epic music while driving
24. Family
25. Farmer’s markets
26. Finding a good deal
27. Football
28. Friends
29. Giving cards that are hilariously (I think) inappropriate
30. Good talks
31. Guilty pleasure magazines
32. Hand written letters, mostly from my grandma
33. Historical fiction
34. Hot Chocolate
35. Hugs
36. Ice cream
37. Kindergarten food – chicken tenders and macaroni and cheese
38. Kindred spirits
39. Laughing
40. Learning
41. Lemon trees
42. Libraries
43. Lingering dinners out
44. London
45. Looking for home furnishings
46. Lush brand body products
47. Make-up, even if I’m not wearing it
48. March Madness, when I’m doing well
49. Marching bands
50. Matt
51. Memoirs
52. Mizzou
53. Movie marathons
54. Museums
55. Music
56. My bed
57. Netflix
58. New school supplies
59. No line at the photo copier
60. Obscure sports
61. Old movies
62. Old photographs
63. Organizing closets
64. Our new house
65. Pedicures
66. Peonies, roses, sweet peas, and tulips (pink)
67. Perfume
68. Planning future travel
69. Playing games
70. Puns
71. Reading
72. Reminiscing
73. Ridiculous YouTube videos
74. Road trips, except for most of the driving
75. Sagas – film or literary
76. Seeing live shows
77. Seeing movies in the theater
78. Shakespeare in the Park
79. Sitting on the deck
80. Sleeping in
81. Snow days
82. Snuggles with Puggle
83. Solving a mystery in a novel before the character
84. Sporcle
85. Sprawling
86. Starry skies
87. Successful new recipes
88. Sunroofs
89. Swimming
90. Swinging in a hammock
91. Target
92. Teaching
93. The beach
94. The holidays
95. The Olympics
96. Visiting Columbia
97. Weddings
98. When summer turns into fall
99. When winter turns into spring
100. Writing
Please leave a comment and tell me something that makes you happy!